Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Blog!

Welcome one and all. This blog was created out of a desperate necessity. After being married for more than twenty years and having three children, I realize that I can no longer depend on my memory for occasional recipes which I may have dished out. I also cannot depend on my 'agak-agak' (Malaysian coloquial for 'estimation') methodology if there is a need and intention to 'hand down' my recipes.

I own several recipe books which record all my favorite recipes. It spans over a period of 20 years. Unfortunately, over that period there were times when I fell into my 'cooking moods' where I'd be all enthusiastic and passionate about cooking.

Recipes and methods would be in my head and I wouldn't need to refer to any recipe hard copy. These 'unfortunate times' resulted in the LOSS of many recipes when I fell into my 'hibernation moods' where my mum or my maid would be doing most of the cooking and I'd be busy RELAXING.

Yeah! I'm just lazy like that! LOL!

Meanwhile, this blog is still under construction and there may be random stuff posted until such time I decide to sort them all out! Have fun or not, the choice is yours!!

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