Friday, May 11, 2012

Nasi Ulam

Hello World!  I am back to "Blog a recipe".  Yeah!  It's been a long time, too long!  I usually try to cook from scratch so cooking like this for some people can be a stressful experience.  For me personally, I enjoy the dynamics and I am blessed with my maid who helps out with the things I don't like to do, especially washing and cleaning up!

My style of cooking is usually flexible, which means that I really don't have accurate measurements (although I really try to) and when one ingredient is not available at hand I usually just try to innovate!  Sometimes it doesn't work but most times the results can be surprising.

I made "nasi ulam" for dinner last night.  First thing to do is to fry one whole coconut in the wok until it's dry and brown.  There's no need to add any oil.

Below is the ready fried coconut.

Here below are the ready cut "ulam".  Clockwise from the top is a dish of de-boned fried fish, daun limau perut, fried coconut, pounded dried  prawns, parsley, basil, cekur leaves, mint leaves, bunga kantan, tumeric ginger, chopped shallots.

In the inner circle anti-clockwise are salted fish (pounded), tumeric ginger leaves, sage and terragon.

This is one and a half cups of Germinated Brown Rice, spread out in a large tray to cool before use.

The final mix after adding lots of pepper!

 The taste is as good as the number of ingredients you can find inside.  Most people would say it's too much work and ridiculous to put in so many different types of herbs.  I beg to differ.  The sambal belachan on the side adds on the spiciness to the nasi ulam.

The number of herbs can be greatly reduced but I took all these from my garden except for the bunga kantan.  Although I have the plant, it has yet given bloom to anything so far. :(

If there is left overs for the next day, keep the nasi ulam in a box and leave in the refrigerator.  Bring it out and leave on the table at least one hour before you intend to eat.  Do not heat up!  The nasi ulam will still be delicious!

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